Tabernacle Letters

Tabernacle Letters is an initiative to give the many who miss attending Mass and receiving Holy Communion, a way to send a concrete act of love to Christ, the Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament, now alone in Gethsemane. In a sense, it is a way to draw near and “stay awake” with Him. Professor of Theology and author, Annabelle Moseley, offers this initiative spearheaded in her own New York parish, inviting the many who are longing for the Eucharist throughout the nation to join in. She shows how this idea may be initiated in your own parish, or how you are welcomed to send a letter right now to the New York church where it all began, and where each day, love letters from the faithful are gathered from the mail and placed in large baskets before the Tabernacle. As we journey through this desert without receiving Eucharist, let us send our reminders of love to Him. This initiative is a physical reminder of the way our prayers are meant to stay close to Him. Let’s all take the opportunity to express our hunger in a way we won’t soon forget. Join us! Continue reading “Tabernacle Letters”